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Showing posts from May, 2024

The Subtle Art of Spending

The last couple of days have been straight-out-of-hell, as everyone, no exaggeration, would like to describe it. There have been times when we all would have thought at least once (if not every day) that we wouldn't be able to make it through, or worst case scenario, pass out from the excessive heat and humidity. In these literally mind-boggling circumstances, the only escape (or, as it seems, the only solution) is to "chill" (pun intended) in an air-conditioned environment.   Well, I don't blame anyone for it. However,  one thing struck me in this scenario: a forwarded message my amma read to me. Excessive ease makes you drift away from your Rab , it said. When a human is treated to unnecessary comfort (mind it, I am not referring to people who have certain medical conditions), he often forgets (or chooses not to think about) other people around him, who do not own the same privilege.   It's convenient to do, I often think to myself. However, ...