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Why Weakness is Your Superhero Origin Story


The first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah proved to be a period of immense introspection for me. One of the most profound realizations dawned on me during a tadabbur session, as I reached the final verse of Surah Hajj.

The verse reads: "Strive in the way of Allah with a striving worthy of Him. He has chosen you and has not placed any hardship upon you in the religion. Follow the religion of Abraham, [your] father. Allah knows what you do." (Quran 22:78)

What struck a chord with me most was the call to strive in Allah's way, but in a manner worthy of His Majesty and Grandeur. Here I was, questioning how someone as vulnerable and insignificant as myself could be entrusted with such a task.

Then, the verse itself provided the answer: "He has chosen you." Allah, the All-Wise, had chosen me for a task that initially seemed insurmountable. Yet, as I continued reading the verse, it offered consolation: "He has not placed any hardship upon you in the religion."

Just moments ago, I was overwhelmed by the thought of inadequacy, convinced that such devotion and ibadah was reserved for the angels. However, this verse transformed my perspective. It revealed my purpose.

Allah desires my struggle for His sake, because He knows that despite my weaknesses and vulnerabilities, I possess the capacity to strive. He acknowledges my limitations, and therefore, He establishes Himself as the sole source of strength. He reminds me that glorifying and worshipping Him is the path to overcoming the very weaknesses that threatened to consume me.

What greater honor could there be than knowing Allah, the Al-Ghani, sees the potential within me to carry out His mission and find His favor? He doesn't want me to diminish myself, but rather to be constantly reminded by the Ayah around me of the greater purpose I hold.

And as I reached the concluding part of the verse: "...follow the religion of Abraham, [your] father," I was reminded that in this struggle, Allah will be my Naseer. He will provide the necessary tangible and intangible resources to sustain me on this journey towards Him, just as He did for our father, Prophet Ibraham (peace be upon him) – a man revered as an Ummah unto himself.

My Rab is sufficient for the one who takes those striving steps towards Him. Whatta honor. Whatta victory – Subhana’Allah!



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